We’ve heard of Jesus’ fabled ability to resurrect himself but Beast Jesus has proven that he can go from painted plaster to IRL in what can only be described as a freakin’ miracle.

Hallelujah! I believe!!!

via Pleated Jeans

Hrag Vartanian is editor-in-chief and co-founder of Hyperallergic.

6 replies on “Best.Halloween.Costume.Ever: Beast Jesus Comes Alive”

  1. “fabled”? You would never say that concerning the prophet of Islam. We get it Hrag… you dislike Christians and love Muslims (I don’t think anyone forgets your support of the Arab Spring).

    1. 1. “fabled” also means “renowned or famous.” 2. “The prophet of Islam” was never resurrected, or “fabled” for having any abilities other than receiving the word of God. I rather think you’re “getting” a message that wasn’t being sent.

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