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Whack-a-Warhol at the Brooklyn Museum, “Long Live the Art-ocrats!”

If the image of the Warhol piñata at the Brooklyn Museum didn’t freak you out enough, the videos of everyone from Jennifer Rubell to Jerry Saltz taking a whack at the thing (and right in the mouth no less) will surely disturb you to no end. If the art world ever needed a good therapist then now is the time, I mean even if it’s just to deal with members of the art-ocracy “bashing a gay guy” thing as a form of dessert!

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Guitar Boy To Reunite in LA for Lawrence Weschler’s “Wonder Cabinet”

In the late 1990s, the folk punk duo Guitar Boy was playing small music venues in Los Angeles and building a fan base. Unfortunately, the group consisting of Nancy Agabian and Ann Perich slowly faded away. This Saturday, they will reunite to perform as part of the Wonder Cabinet showcase at Occidental College, a day-long event curated by Lawrence Weschler. Guitar Boy may be an unknown band nowadays but I couldn’t resist posting their still relevant song about Getty Center … ENJOY!

Guitar Boy -“Dont Fall Off the Getty Center”

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“All Your Tweet Are Belong to Us” — @librarycongress

First MoMA acquires “@” and now the Library of Congress (aka @librarycongress) is acquiring every tweet since March 2006. It’s always great to see institutions look past the monetary value of things and elevate the bonds we all share. So, next time someone luddite asks you “Who do you think is interested in what you had for breakfast?” You can confidently respond, “The Library of Congress, asshole!”

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New Banksy Stencils Surface in LA [UPDATED]

This week, Banky’s new film Exit Through the Gift Shop will hit theaters in North America. For complete listings, visit Wooster Collective, which seems to be the official PR agency for all things Banksy. The movie premiere’s today in Los Angeles, so it’s no coincidence that these images hit the intertubes this past week to turn up the hype around his film.

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Art Professor Under Fire For Artistic Protests

Ricardo Dominguez, a visual arts professor at the University of California, San Diego, is under fire for electronic civil disobedience work. Today, the San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that Dominguez is really feeling the heat from his university, auditors, and the police over a virtual sit-in he staged last month on the website for the president of the University of California system.

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