Mary Rork-Watson (via

Mary Rork-Watson is the creator of the newest work to be featured on the Mail Art Bulletin.

The Iowa-based artist explains on her website that her work is about:

Revisioning the lost, discarded and ordinary into original works of art.

The tabletop work she sent our way is a wonderful little sex word-filled collage with its own stand. The antique-y feel is well suited to the subject of mail art … and who doesn’t like receiving mail with the words sex, orgasm, vagina, penis and coitus on it? Certainly not us.

Thanks for the mailed goodness, Mary.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion in our Mail Art Bulletin, please send you mail art to:

181 N 11th Street, Suite 302
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Hrag Vartanian is editor-in-chief and co-founder of Hyperallergic.